1) We Own the Night: From the looks of it, this movie is trying to be this year's Departed...but boring and with more Robert Duvall. The trailer screams out for recognition ("Academy Award Nominees Mark Wahlberg and Johnny Cash, Academy Award Winner Robert Duvall!"), but for some reason it just doesn't look that enthralling. And Chris and Geenie said it was boring and they walked out to go see...
2) Michael Clayton: In this movie, George Clooney plays a man who lounges around on Tom Wilkinson's couch, thus making Tom Wilkinson very angry. He spends most of the movie staring angrily at Clooney through the window. Clooney, meanwhile, looks pensive and tries to decide if he wants Arby's or a triple stacker at Wendy's, the latter for which he has a coupon. I actually don't really know what the movie is about. Chris and Geenie explained it and I got a little confused which probably means it's a pretty good movie for an older crowd interested in law, chemical pesticides, crooked business practices, lawsuits, and George Clooney in suits. Who shouldn't see it? Probably Dad as I assume there are some leftist politics at play. I don't know what tipped me off, but I'd put money on it.
And finallly...
3) The Final Season: Witness everyone's favorite slightly-swishy hobbit coach a small town baseball team! Is he down on his luck? Sure! Is the only thing keeping this town together the high school baseball team? Of course! Is the team a group of rag tag misfits? Would we have it any other way? Have you seen this a million times before? Sure have! I am being cynical and I usually do end up liking these types of movies, Remember the Titans, namely...but this has Samwise and no Denzel in sight. That may be a problem.
Hey Rob,
Great reviews, top nacho.
Leave that Hobbit alone!!! What's he ever done to you?
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