Monday, March 23, 2009


So, my good friend Brad has created a site that has a bunch of my drawings and videos all in one, organized place.  It's pretty neat and has some cool "bells and whistles" (make sure your volume is NOT on full blast or Scott Joplin may burst your ear drums).  The site is found at:

Pretty easy to remember, eh?  Anyway, the site is pretty self-explanatory in terms of finding everything.  So check it out!  As I do more drawings and videos, Brad should be able to keep it updated so you can check in periodically and see if there is anything new!  I will still continue to post here on the blog.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"It's not the years, honey. It's the mileage."

So I had a lot "constructive criticism" on my drawing of Indy, so I tinkered with it to make it a bit better. It's not perfect (I think he looks old now...), but it's a bit better and hopefully he looks less like an Amish Muppet. Again, I'm not going for photorealistic here.

Update: Wow. I just did a side by side comparison and the first drawing looks pretty absurd. I'm still not happy with the second one, but it's A LOT better. It's hard finding a balance between cartoony and actually making it look like what you're trying to draw.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"I don't know. I'm making this up as I go."

Obviously it needs some color, but here's some Indy.